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2018-06-27 養老設施參觀之旅 Aged Care Facilities Tour

6月27日養老村(Freedom Aged Care)一遊,為社區中的28位年長者和家屬們提供了一個嶄新的養老模式。我們先後參觀了 Box Hill 和 Glen Waverly 兩家養老村內的集體養老設施,使長者們體驗到了西方國家不同的養老生活模式。

每位年長者都可以使用他們的“綜合性居家養老護理津貼”和他們的“養老金”住進這樣一個可以 自由出入的集體養老設施,他們可以得到從低級護理到高級護理,不需要考慮從一個設施到另外一個設施的苦惱。這是他們的一大特點之一。今天我們一起渡過了一個愉快的有意義的日子。

On 27 June 2018, we organised an Aged Care Facilities Tour for our LLL members. There were 28 attendance in total visiting the facilities in Box Hill and Glen Waverley. This tour helps our Chinese participants to know more about different types of aged care facilities in Australia.

Every senior residents can take advantage of their pension to enter the aged care facilities which cover low to high care. This advantage efficiently reduces the senior's concern about moving from one facility to the other. Thanks to AVEO group, we can have this meaningful chance to experience the amazing facilities.


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