今天2018年4月18日,我們將綜合家庭護理服務的訊息帶進位於Caroline Springs 的Melton 華聯會,我們剛與這個社區中心連接,便收到他們的熱烈邀請,希望我們澳大利亞華人護士協會可以給予他們的會員一些關於在澳大利亞居家養老的資訊。

On 18 April 2018, Chinese Nurse Association Australia Melbourne develops a wonderful connection with the Melton Chinese Association which locates in Caroline Springs. Their sincere invitation also gave us a chance to bring the information about home care subsidy to their lovely members.
Our registered nurse lecturer was excited about entering this community that we hadn't had connection before. She believes that it stands for more and more senior Chinese residents live in the greater metropolitan area of Melbourne are able to reach the information and understand the benefits and application of this amazing and helpful home care support from the government.
We, Chinese Nurse Association Australia Melbourne, are looking forward to building a rapport with more community activity centre. We can improve the senior Chinese immigrants' lives together and help them to release the barriers of language and culture.