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2017-09-21 - HCP at Knox Chinese Elderly Citizens Club Inc

Thanks for the support of Knox Chinese Elderly Citizens Club Inc. for their invitation that gave our registered nurse the opportunity to bring helpful information related to home care services in Australia to their community on behalf of Chinese Nurse Association Australia.

Compared with the majority of Chinese people, Malaysians usually can speak English more fluently and do not face language barriers. However, only a few of them have heard about the Home Care Packages before. As a result, Chinese Nurse Association Australia would like to take advantage of this lecture to show the community that the Australia Government values aged care. They have comprehensive home care support plan to help elderly people to live longer and live better at home.

This is our first cooperation with Knox Chinese Elderly Citizens Club Inc. We are looking forward to building a stronger and a long-term connection with more social groups. We, Chinese Nurse Association Australia, believe that we can improve senior Chinese community in Australia together.

感謝澳洲墨爾本諾市華人高齡福利會(Knox Chinese Elderly Citizens Club Inc)的大力支持,讓我們的註冊護士有機會代表澳大利亞華人護士協會在2017年9月21日將各種關於在澳洲養老的好康資訊報給他們社區的長者們知道。




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