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2017-08-16 - HCP at Whittlesea Chinese Association Senior Citizens Group

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the president and members of Whittlesea Chinese Association Senior Citizens Group for partnering with Chinese Nurse Association Australia and giving our Registered nurses the honour to present on Home Care Packages within their association on Wednesday 16 August 2017.

Our aim is to educate the lovely members on the Australian Home Care Subsidies to allow them to remain independent and live longer and better within their own homes.

In order to fulfil the mission and vision of Chinese Nurse Association, we continue to develop a range of educational talks on health care topics related to the senior community in order to empower and create independence within this generation. We connect with major senior social groups in the local community in order to impart our knowledge to their members.

If you would like to know more about the topics we have available or would like to have these talks within your social groups, please visit our website – for more information or contact us on (03) 8812 2661 or

2017年8月16日 - 綜合家庭照護服務講課在威特西華人協會

感謝威特西華人協會Whittlesea Chinese Association Senior Citizens Group與我們澳大利亞華人護士協會合作,讓我們的講師在8月16日有幸到他們協會,將關於居家照顧的福利政策-綜合家庭照護服務(Home Care Packages)告訴他們可愛的會員們,幫助他們能夠取得澳大利亞政府為年長者們提供的補助,讓他們能夠在家裡生活得更好更長久。



澳大利亞華人護士協會聯繫方式(03) 88122661,


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