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2017-07-06 - Home Care Packages Talk at Whittlesea Chinese Senior Association Senior Citizens Group

On the 6th July 2017, President Chen of the Whittlesea Chinese Senior Association Senior Citizens Group invited the Chinese Nurse Association Australia (CNAA) to visit their community gathering to share on the topic of Home Care Packages to 50 seniors. We received great support from President Chen who prepared and guided the running of this gathering. She gave us the chance to connect with the seniors within the Northern Metropolitan of Melbourne. Chinese Nurse Association Australia is proud to have this opportunity to bring more information and knowledge about this care to the Chinese seniors of this group.

The event was held under the chairmanship of President Chen and their members listened attentively to the details of this talk. The Registered Nurse of our association first asked the members to understand the basic services of the Home Care Package service; they then discussed ways to understand eligibility and subsidies levels. The attendants also showed great interest in the talk leading to an interactive and harmonious environment.

As the Chinese senior community continues to expand and increase by dramatic numbers, the senior need more ways to understand about the care that is available to them and the support to allow them to maintain active lifestyles. Through this opportunity to meet with our Registered Nurse, we hope they are able to understand more about the various care options and benefits of these to their care.

Chinese Nurse Association Australia also hopes we have many more opportunities to connect with this association to bring awareness on various other health related topics.

Within the recent days, volunteers of Chinese Nurse Association Australia has assisted many within Whittlesea Chinese Association Senior Citizens Group will submitted referral application to the My Aged Care team for a comprehensive assessment of their individual situation. At Chinese Nurse Association Australia, we hope to help more seniors obtain the care that they deserve and to reduce carer stress and burdens from increasing needs.

We would once again like to express our gratitude to all volunteer members of Chinese Nurse Association Australia, President Chen and the members of Whittlesea Chinese Association Senior Citizens Group for allowing this connection to occur.

If you are interested in arranging community lecture talks for your group or would like to know more about Home Care Packages, please contact us on (03) 8812 2661 or email to






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