Recently, a growing aged community is receiving the ‘Home Care Package’ (HCP) subsidy from the government; this has led to heated discussion within the elderly social network.
However, do the senior community who want to live in their own home really know about the HCP program? How do they apply for the subsidy?
On 26 June 2017, Chinese Nurse Association Australia (CNAA) cooperated with Chinese Stroke Support Group (CSSG) in Box Hill to launch a talk introducing HCP program to 12 attending elderly people at Box Hill Senior Citizen Club.
Our Registered Nurse understood most of the elderly people would rather stay at home for as long as they can. She described different levels of subsidies that are provided in the HCP program and a range of services that the HCP funds could be used for. The attending elderly people were able to exchange their thoughts and were curious about the program. The most frequently asked question by the attendants was ‘what services will be provided in the HCP program that can fulfil my needs at home?’ Every elderly has different medical conditions and personal needs, the talk illustrated a variety of services derived from the home care package, which involves a range of services from personal assistance to mobility and dexterity support.
CNAA was grateful to have this opportunity to partner with CSSG for the talk. Thanks kindly for reaching out to us and for assisting in making the talk a successful and interactive one.
We are looking forward to cooperating with CSSG again in the near future. For any enquires about our talk or HCP program, please feel free to contact us by calling (03) 8812 2661, or sending us an email to
在2017年6月26日,澳洲華人護理協會很榮幸能夠與援風會(支援中風華人協會)合作,在Box Hill Senior Citizen Club 向12名參與的長者們介紹了關於“綜合性家庭護理服務套餐”的政策。本協會的註冊護士了解到參與的老人們不希望居住養老院的心願,為他們講解和討論了怎樣獲得在家養老這筆“護理補貼”的指南,讓年長者們得知自己在家中獨力生活時,政府還會為他們準備了一個“紅包”,年長者们可以用這個紅包裏的錢去補貼在維持健康方面的開支及各種護理服務方面的需求。
我們期待下次可以與援風會再次合作,也歡迎更多的社群團體與我們連手把更多的長者養老護理資訊帶進社區中。如果您正在參與社區活動,並且有興趣將我們的講座帶進社群中,歡迎撥打(03) 8812 2661 ,或是寄信給我們 ,表達您對於我們講座內容的興趣。