Since the establishment of Chinese Nurse Association Australia in 2006m we have being working to promote the health and wellbeing of the Senior Community in Australia. We have liaised and connected with many Chinese Community Associations to promote wellness. This is to ensure we can assist with overcoming any language or social barriers that may be in place. Since our establishment, our target group was set as the Chinese ethnic senior community.
However, when we received an invitation from the ADEC Werribee’s Indian Group, we gladly accepted. On 18 May 2017, we introduced the comprehensive home care talk to this social group and found that although they are competent in the English language, they had no idea that the Federal Government offered such a service for the Aged Community. This made us realise that no matter the language, background, health or life situations, Chinese Nurse Association were willing to assist; Our target group is the Senior Community.
We also hope that many more Community Organisations will connect with us to arrange these valuable talks for the Community to allow the Senior Community to have quality of life and access to the information that they require.

2017年5月18號 – 居家護理服務講座在ADEC Werribee 印度小組
但是,當我們接到ADEC Werribee 印度小組的邀請,於今年5月18日前往該組織去進行綜合居家護理服務的講課時,才意會到即使那些從印度來的叔叔阿姨們沒有語言溝通的問題,甚至已經在澳洲居住至少30年了,但是他們仍舊對於聯邦政府的綜合居家護理服務一知半解,這讓我們了解到:不管是什麼樣的文化、語言背景,只要對於提高健康及生活的議題有興趣的,都是我們澳洲華人護理協會的服務對象。