As we age, we may find certain tasks more difficult to handle. To ease the pressure and reduce the concerns that we have, we may require assistance to make ageing easier. A common question is ‘What type of help and services are available to assist us?’
Whilst there are many care options available for the senior community not all the time is it the most suitable option. The idea of entering into permanent care may seem daunting to many but the lack of care may put excess pressure on yourself and your cares as you find it more and more difficult to handle daily tasks.
To further support those that wish to reside within their own homes but require some assistance to do so comfortably, the Australian Government offers Home Care Packages and assistance for those that are eligible. The aim of this program is to provide assistance for seniors that reside within the community but are finding it difficult to manage due to physical ailments. This assistance may come in the form of domestic assistance, personal care assistance, companionship, transportation assistance or nursing care etc.
To bring awareness to this program, Chinese Nurse Association Australia has a specialised talk session available that is catered to the Chinese CALD community. This talk aims to further educate the Chinese senior community on what Home Care Packages is. This is to ensure that the Chinese community are also able to obtain the assistance that they deserve and to better understand this program in a common language.
Currently, CNAA is partnering with TSC Home and Community Care Service to assist the Chinese senior community with
- Bringing awareness and knowledge on this program via our educational talks
- Assistance with obtaining assessments to determine eligibility for these packages
- Organising care services that are suitable and meet your care needs (once you have been approved a package).
On Thursday, 30 March 2017, this talk reached the Springvale Mandarin Network. This talk has been extremely beneficial within the Community and has brought awareness to the assistance that is available within senior’s homes. Many senior individuals have shown great interest in this program and we have assisted to refer many individuals for further assessment of eligibility from their local Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs).
Shall you be interested in receiving more information about Home Care Packages or would like this talk to be presented within your social group or event, please get in contact with us on (03) 8812 2661 or
為了幫助更多老年人們可以了解如此寶貴的資訊,澳洲華人護理協會安排專業的講課活動,並於2017年3月30日與史賓威華人互助會合作,將關於綜合家庭護理服務的訊息帶進華人社區中,並以他們最親近的語言 普通話,讓他們了解在澳洲生活的權益。當場便有幾位長者們要求澳洲華人護理協會幫他們向我的安老中心 (My Aged Care) 遞送申請書,等待安老服務評估組的到府評估。
您可以撥打我們的專線 (03) 8812 2661,或是寄信到我們的信箱中,也歡迎加入我們的微信 Chinese_Nurse ,更多活動資訊將隨時更新。