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2017-02-19 - Home Care Package at North Eastern Chinese Association

On Sunday, 19 February 2017, Chinese Nurse Association Australia's Home and Community Care Talk reached North Eastern Chinese Association.

Coming into the session, not many of the attendants understood the Home Care Package system and did not know they could receive this type of assistance at home.

The session attracted many that were interested in receiving that extra assistance within their own homes. They were excited to hear that there were methods that could assist them with remaining within their own homes for a longer time and provide them with extra support that they did not have.

We are glad to have this chance to connect with North - Eastern Chinese Association again and hope that we can continue to maintain a long term relationship that focuses on the care and wellbeing of our senior people.

Thanks to:

North Eastern Chinese Association

在2月19日星期天,澳洲華人護理協會的居家及社區護理講座來到North Eastern 華人協會啦!許多參與這次講座的人中,都未曾聽過綜合居家護理服務,甚至不知道他們可以在家享受如此健全的生活協助。


當天,我們也帶領Jiang女士及Ying Chun進到東北華人協會,並且利用捐款幫他們負擔會員費用,讓他們可以成為該協會的一份子,參與他們的活動,告別因語言障礙及經濟壓力而與社會隔絕的生活。

我們也很榮幸可以再次與 North Eastern 華人協會合作,也期望我們可以建立長久的合作關係,將更多有益於我們長者健康的資訊帶進社區中。



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