Thursday 09 June 2016 is the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar. This day is widely known as the Dragon Boat Festival and is a very popular Chinese cultural festival.
To bring awareness and share our festivities with others, we had organised together with BlueCross Livingstone Gardens to bring our celebrations to their facility and to visit their Chinese speaking residents.
为了让年长者们更好的认知端午节和我们的传统节日文化,我们的义工成员将几十名孤寡老人从他们的家里接出来,到BlueCross Livingstone东区的六星级宾馆式的养老设施内,与我们共享节日的快乐。
当天,我们协会与墨尔本嘉信国际集团合作,并且特别邀请了武汉同乡会的旗袍队和ASHBURTON 华人联谊会的太极拳队为我们的年长们表演了一台精彩和欢快的节目。包括我们的义工成员,将近八十个人在BlueCross Livingstone养老设施内与当地年长者们和华裔年长者们共同渡过了一美好的日子。