On Tuesday, 24th May 2016, Chinese Nurse Association organized a lecture about Australian’s Home and Community Care System that reached ADEC centre in Preston.
It was a great lecture which made for more time to share personal experiences with the Chinese Elderly Community. More than 20 individuals attended and they showed great interest in this lecture. An insight explanation was given to them according to how the Home and Community Care System in Australia works. The aim of this program is to help the Chinese elderly generation to gain a better understanding of this system and to determine whether Home and Community Care is an option for their futures.
CNAA wishes to support more and more Chinese Elderly to age well.
澳大利亚华人护士协会于2016年5月24日在ADEC centre Preston 开展了一次别开生面的座谈会。这次的座谈会有超过20名年长者参加。 本协会会长王芳女士向年长者们详细的介绍了澳大利亚的养老系统, 并向他们解释如何向政府争取自己应享有的权益。
这次的座谈会的主要目的是希望华裔澳洲年长者们能明白即使在异国他乡他们的晚年生活亦会得到妥善的照顾。 华人护士协会亦希望在未来能拥有更多机会来开展座谈会并邀请年长者莅临聆听, 在他们获得更多的咨询之余, 也能明白还有澳大利亚华人护理协会这个大集体能够时刻为他们提供帮助和关怀。