(03) 8812 2661
A Not-For-Profit Charity Community Organisation
非營利慈善機構 - 為在澳華人護事和長者發聲
Community Health Learning Program
This group is put in place to send Professional Registered Nurses and Allied Professionals out to the Chinese Community to present talks to the attendants in a common language. These talks cover topics that are of interest to the Aged Community covering Aged Care, Nursing Care, Community Welfare and Health Issues etc.
The Health Learning Program cover topics including:
Australia's Aged Care System
Home and Community Care
Pain Management
Dementia Care
Preventing Elderly Depression
Elderly Nutrition
Dental Care and Protection
Eye Care
Incontinence Management
Senior Legal Education (how to make a will, PoA etc.)
This program takes the English health care information that is available to the Community and translates / presents it to the Chinese community in a suitable dialect of Chinese.