(03) 8812 2661
A Not-For-Profit Charity Community Organisation
非營利慈善機構 - 為在澳華人護事和長者發聲
The Life!

Good New!
There is a free health promotional program called “the Life!” This program is catered for clients that are or may be at risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease.
The Life! program is a lifestyle modification program that is fully sponsored by the Victorian State Government and Diabetes Victoria.
As a not-for-profit organisation, Chinese Nurse Association Australia Melbourne (CNAAM) is honoured to be nominated by Diabetes Victoria as the first Chinese organisation to host this program. The program will consist of seven sessions run by specialised Mandarin speaking Allied staff.
For more information about this program and its content, please visit the official website - https://www.lifeprogram.org.au/
For the successful referral of high risk clients that meet the program’s eligibility criteria, GP clinics may be able to receive a financial incentive.
Shall you have any enquiries, please contact CNAAM’s head office on (03) 8812 2661.