(03) 8812 2661
A Not-For-Profit Charity Community Organisation
非營利慈善機構 - 為在澳華人護事和長者發聲
Health Consultation Program
This group provides nursing advice for those that are seeking help whether via the phone, email or in person.
For the Senior or Disable Community
Professional advice can be given on:
Health Issues
Finding a Suitable Aged Care or Home Care Provider
Finding a Suitable Elderly Social Group or Planned Activity Group (PAG)
Finding a Suitable Day Centre or Respite
Finding a Suitable Hospital for those with specific requirements
Referral to My Aged Care for a health assessment
Application for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Application for Continence Aid Payment Scheme (CAPS)
2. The Health Learning Program cover topics including:
Professional advice can be given on:
Entering into the Australian Health and Aged Care Industry
Workplace Issues
Registration with AHPRA